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ORNL MSRE PDFs - Dr. Per Peterson of U.C. Berkeley via TEAC7
0h45m40s10f 2004 Kirk Sorensen Delivers CD-ROMs of ORNL MSR Research to Dr. Per Peterson UBC TR2016a
MSRE: The Molten Salt Reactor Experiment - TR2016c 0h40m15s26f
Compact Integral Effects Test CIET - Dr. Per Peterson & Kirk Sorensen
Per Peterson: Augmented cognition
Human Fallibility and Nuclear Power
Kirk Sorensen - The Promise of Thorium Meeting Future World Energy Demand
Kirk Sorensen - The Promise of Thorium in Meeting Future World Energy Demand
0h36m03s15f Baroness Bryony Worthington met Kirk Sorensn in 2009 via The Guardian TR2016a
Cubic Mile of Oil - Dr. Ripudaman Malhotra @ TEAC7
Alvin Weinberg: The Visionary of Oak Ridge
Per Petterson Interview: The Margins on Your Side